The king of Magadha; Ashoka attended the throne with maps of the lands he had conquered and reports of battles that had been won. When celebrations were at their peak, a dark cloud of intrigue was bewitching the king’s soul.
On one occasion, exactly one monk came to sit on the throne. Brave warrior, he said, Your victories have won honor but also engendered shame.
Ashoka's gaze hardened. I am the king this is my own – I have the right to win!
The monk continued looking at her straight in the eyes but did it calmly and quietly. The means of real power is forgiveness. He should try to redeem himself.
After being quoted by a monk Ashoka resolved to stop pursuing violence. In the shade of the Bodhi tree, he was able to rest and listen to the words of Buddha.
And so King Ashoka decided that his next mission is the mission of the conquest which is the conquest of the human heart itself. He preached about the gospel and wanted to accomplish his kingdom of peace via his deeds.
Today Ashoka remains in history not as a warrior but as a King who was focused not on armies but the minds and hearts of people of generations.